Taiwan’s Foxconn to use one million robots by 2014

An incredible acheivement by Foxconn to develop systems and robots sophisticated enough to replace a large part of their work force.


Molecular Oxygen found in space.

The Herschel space observatory has found the first molecules of oxygen (O2) in space, in a nearby star-forming cloud.


Privacy Laws may change in NZ

Agencies should be required to alert customers when their personal information is lost or otherwise compromised. Improved sharing between government agencies. Forced adherence to telemarketers’ Do Not Call register. Participation by telemarketers is currently voluntary.


7 User Bicycle Car Thingy

Awesome invention


Observational test of the “Multiverse Theory”

The theory that multiple alternative universes exist inside our own universe, is being tested for the first time.


Massive solar flares unleashed

Early yesterday, (Aug 3, 2011) two active regions on the Sun, sunspot 1261 and 1263 unleashed solar flares, which was captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.


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